1.) Some people die for love;others will die because they lose it.

2.) If you love something,let it go.If it comes back to you it was truly meant to be.

3.) Immature love says"I love you because I need you"but mature love says"I need you because I love you".

4.) I don't need to be wanted,I want to be needed.

5.) Some people think that it's strong to hold on,but some people think it's stronger to let go.

6.) Love is just a four letter word with so many meanings.

7.) If you never get your heart broken;you'll never learn to love.

8.) Once you have loved someone,you can do anything for them,except love them the same way.

9.) Love is unpredictable,you'll never know when it'll come.

10.) To be loved and to have loved,is to have live life to the fullest.

11.) Love is more than saying "I love you".

12.) You can fall in love in an instant,but it's letting go that's hard.

13.) When you love someone,sayit.Say it loud! Say it right away or the moment will jut pass you by....

14.) Love that is true will last forever.

15.) Love can make you happy,but often tmes.it hurts but love is only special when you give it to someone it's worth.

16.) I was born when you kissed me and I died when you left me.but I lived for the months you loved me.

17.) Love is 3/4 dream and 1/4 reality.Problems usually arise when you fall in love with the dream and not the reality.But yet you find true love when you fall in love with both. Love is something you can't controll,just let it be and let the dreamers dream!

18.) The love in your heart wasn't put there to stay because love isn't love til' you give it away.

19.) The first time i saw you.I was scared to meet you.The first time i met you,I was scared to kiss you.The first time i kissed you,I was scared to love you.Now that i love you,I'm scared to lose you.

20.) Love is like a flower,If you take good care of it,It grows into something really special and beautiful.But if it's ignored,it dwindles then dies.So tell me,how well do you care foryour flower?

21.) Falling in love is a great feeling but don't fall too fast 'cause there might not always be someone there to catch you.

22.) A worse prison would be a closed heart.

23.) Love dictates but a kiss write,see with the heart

24.) Let me wish apon the stars for a love as true as yours.

25.) I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away.I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.

26.) Love looks not with the eyes,but with the mind.

27.) Every man or woman is unique and beautiful deep inside,they just need that special someone who holds the key to unlock the beauty and passion that lies within'.

28.) Love is like a mountain even though the journey is difficult the reward is ever lasting.

29.) Trip over love you can get up.Fall in love and you fall forever.

30.) Touch my mind and i will think of you,touch my heart and i will never forget you.